Grade XII Delfite Ananya Madhur Sharma Interacting with Hon’ble PM Modi made watching Pariksha Pe Charcha special for our Delfites of Grades VI to XII this year Ananya Madhur Sharma is a winner of the PPC2021 essay competition organised for school students this year under the umbrella of the yearly PM Programme Pariksha Pe Charcha. She represented Ghaziabad district during the program. Ananya is among the selected 2000 students, teachers and parents from all across the country who will take part in the programme online from their State and Union Territories headquarters and will be presented with a specially designed Certificate of Appreciation and a special Pariksha Pe Charcha kit. Each winner will also get a specially designed Certificate of Appreciation. She also stands a chance to be a part of a small group of students from among the winners and may get an exclusive opportunity to directly interact with the Prime Minister and ask him questions. Being a special winner amongst the selected few, she will also get a digital souvenir of her autographed photograph along with the Prime Minister. More than ten lakh 32 thousand students have registered for Prime Minister's interactive academic programme. Over two lakh 60 thousand teachers and more than 92 thousand parents have also registered for the programme. Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted live with a cross section of students, parents and teachers during Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021 to brainstorm about how they can beat examination stress. This time, the program was organised online due to COVID Safety Protocol and open to students all over the world. Pariksha Pe Charcha is part of the larger movement - Exam Warriors - led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to create a stress-free atmosphere for youngsters.