We pray that you are doing well. The Covid pandemic has subjected all of us to the harshest of times, like no other in living memory. The losses have been immense – losses of lives as also financial adversities. Although most of us have been impacted in some manner or the other, there are certain members of the DLF family who are finding it more difficult to bounce back because they have yet to come to terms with their losses.
Certainly the pandemic has disrupted lives but We take solace in the fact that we continue to have each other.
As a school we have always believed and practiced that we are all part of the same eternal force; each of us is connected to everything that happens to the other; and that each of us is here for and because of each other.
Many of our parents have volunteered to lend a helping hand to affected students in various ways. Our heartfelt gratitude to them for this proactive gesture that encourages us to do more.
Presently the school has been supporting affected parents with financial assistance and support. In the year 2020–21 financial support to the tune of Rupees 52,22,937 (as on March 30, 2021) was given to various parents.
However due to a management decision to not raise the fees for the last three years, as also a decision to pay full salaries to the all the staff, as also ensure continued upkeep of the school premises, so they’re in good condition for when the children can join back, we have not been able to do more.
Our efforts need augmentation. Our teachers and administrative faculty have collectively suggested the creation of "The Dlf Beacons of Hope Care fund." We have all pledged one day’s salary and more towards this fund. And have collectively contributed Rupees 1,98,510 to get things rolling.
The DLF Beacons of Hope care fund will be managed by parents and teachers.
A meeting of Core Committee of Parents and Teachers was conducted on July 24, 2021 and together we appeal to the collective consciousness of our entire DLF family to supplement this effort of the staff and the school and come forward with whatever contribution they deem feasible.
Of all God’s creations man alone has the ability to lift the life of another human being.
Let no child lose access to education due to the passing away of a caregiver or due to adverse financial circumstances beyond their parent’s control.
We invite your responses in the form of your contribution. Kindly click on the following link and help a child in need.
The Contribution made above will be entitled for rebate in INCOME TAX under SECTION-80(G).
Link to the Payment Gateway
Any amount, big or small will provide support during this difficult time.